Sunday, September 30, 2007


29th Sept 2007 (Sat)

Went back to Circuit Road and left Ryan with mum as i had my mani and pedi appt. Reached at 12noon and it took me 1.5hrs to complete everything and after which i went to G2000 to buy a top... As tml is my youngest sil's ROM.. So had to beautify myself abit... Haha...
By the time i reached home, it's already 2.45pm. Ryan just woke up from his nap and mum was feeding him his puree... When he was done, i gave him his medicine and his dose of neubelizer.
Played with him for awhile and i pat him for his nap... Dilly dally abit and pack up and go home. Reached home around 7plus then went out for dinner with HC.

28th Sept 2007 (Fri)

Woke up with usual routine and brought Ryan to SBCC for his review and return of the neub. machine. Reached there took his weight, 6.6kg.. Carried him up and wanting to take his lenght, he coughed and vomitted out his milk... Duhz... both os us kena and guess what?? i didnt bring any of his clothing.. in the end had to buy from the clinic... cost me $5 for a set of clothing... and smelly me had to endure all the way. Went up to see Dr. Vella for review and said that better let him have another 2 more days of neublizer, drop the nuelin and carry on the rhinathiol... Manz... how long will Ryan take to recover??? I am tired of all these... Ok, total cost $83.xx.. Very expensive leh... Then took a cab and went home to shower him, feed him and nap... then i shower too.. Actually want to bring him to Compass point but decided to give it a pass as it's very hot!! So end up brought him to Hougang Mall and bought some stuff and went home to nua and watch TV... Boring...

27th Sept 2007 (Thur)

My last two days of maternity leave... supposed to be a relaxing one and planning to bring Ryan out but who knows, he's still coughing badly... So... all plans cancelled.
Supposed to meet Dr. Beng, Auntie Carol and Auntie Jenny for lunch... Initial plan to go without Ryan and wanted to ask mil to look after him... but mil came up with funny things again.. She wanted me to bring Princess along!!! How can i do that when i am meeting my friends?? I refused then she kept quiet and i said i will bring Ryan out. So she went out telling me saying that she wants to buy lunch for Princess, but she called my hp and ask me one more time if i want to bring Princess... i said NO and she said that never mind lah, bring her go and i go with you!! I almosted FAINTED!!! Why she so persistent... She can tell me that Hougang got nothing to eat while Bishan got more things to eat... In this manner.. means she insist on going... I am so angry loh.. called up Dr. Beng and the aunties to tell them i am not meeting them liao.. cos by the time i go, i will be so late... as i still need to wait for Princess to KO from school... Cant stand her... In the end, i just meet Auntie Jenny to take stuff, while mil and princess went for their Jap lunch. After that meet up and home sweet home.. Sianz...

26th Sept 2007 (Wed)

On childcare leave to look after Ryan as i had to adminsiter his dose of neubelizer.. 3 times a day, every 6 hourly... So since mil cant help, i had to tak leave to do all these by myself... Lucky my boss was understanding towards this issue.. Hopefully Ryan will recover soon...

25th Sept 2007 (Tue)

At work but mil called up around 9plus to say that Ryan keep coughing and insist that i bring him see doc asap. Told her that i already made appt in the evening but nothing get into her so bo bian... called up boss and told him that i need to leave and will be back later. So took a cab home and took the same taxi to SBCC... Waited for 15mins before we could see Dr. Vella...
Had to be on neubelizer for 3 days and go back for review on Friday... Total cost: S$146.xx...
HC came and pick us up and send us home.. settled Ryan and went back to work to apply leave for wed.

24th Sept 2007 (Tue)

Happy Mooncake Festival...
Ryan's first mooncake festival but he is still sick so cant bring him down to walk around with his lantern.. His first lantern.. bought my his great grandma (my grandma). Will upload his lantern pic.. Btw, this mooncake festival seem so quiet... got no mood...

Monday, September 24, 2007


One of our customer came by and brought us mooncakes.. Each of us got one box each..
From Raffles Hotel... Looks nice, smell nice.. wonder how it taste.. Mini Snow Skin Mooncake with Champagne Truffle & Ganache

Nice paper bag

Nice tin casing

Nice right??

24th Sept 2007

Nothing nuch to update but will blog on the happenings over the weekend.

23rd Sept 2007 (Sun)

Wanted to go back to Circuit Rd but Ryan not feeling well still and HC suggested that i dun go cos MIL taking bird language again.. so ok loh.. stayed home and my parents came over instead... My parents stayed for awhile and look after Ryan while i take my breakfast.. My parents bought for me... (dun see my house big but nothing to eat. Even have, also better dun eat cos belongs to Princess.) Dad and mum stayed for almost and hour and had to go; so left Ryan and me. MIL had to go buy fruits and bring princess downstairs to wait for his parents.
So me and Ryan stayed in our cosy room and i pat him to bed while i watch tv... and rest also. Late afternoon, SIL brought Princess here as they went J8 to buy mooncakes.. and around 4 plus, MIL with her daughters came back to my place and yes, very noisy liao.. so i just entertained them awhile and pat Ryan to sleep... Boring sunday... But i am looking forward to coming Thur and Friday.. (my last two days of ML)

A pic of us.. nuaing in our cosy bed.. haha..

22nd Sept 2007 (Sat)

Got up early and prepare and called up SBCC for appt to see Dr. Vella. Lucky they still got slots so booked @ 10am.. HC send us down and i did the registration and Ryan weighed 6.4kg. Given a Q number and told to go upstairs and wait. Waited for awhile and our turn came.. Placed Ryan down and he started to get cranky as he was sleeping.. managed to calm him down and let Dr. Vella examined. As usual, cough and stuffy nose. Given nose drop, nuelin and rhinathol..Cost me $58.90. Cheaper than the first time i went. After that, took a cab and went home. Told HC about the consultations and cost. Reached home, make milk and feed Ryan, let him nap while waited for Tracy to come. Planned to go Compasspoint for lunch. Our inital plan was to meet a friend at Chinatown point and then to PS.. too bad Ryan fell sick so got to do away with chinatown and PS trip.
Ryan had his first MRT ride and he was so curious and looked around in his stroller. By the time he make noise, i had to carry him and feed him milk again.. went into KFC and fed him milk and after which, we went to Delifrance for lunch and follow by Kiddy palace to get Ryan his personal bowl and spoon and his 2 canned of puree.. When we walked in, he was so excited. Kicking his legs away.. ahaa..

Took a shot of him sitting on the nice high chair

Nuby bowl set with lid and Combi spoon..

**Btw, that night as Ryan was coughing and crying away cos his nose got stuffy.. HC got so mad and went down and told his mum and princess off.. Reason for not separating princess and Ryan away since she knew princess was sick.. The argument was quite a loud one and i could hear it from my room but hor.. *talking to cow* she dun understand and deny and defence all the way...

21st Sept 2007 (Fri)

Ryan started on his stiffings and got stuffy nose and a loud cough.. and his milk came oozing out from his mouth.. Lucky me and HC just finished our show and almost getting ready to sleep.. in the end, had to clean him and feed him with cough mixture.. by the time everything got settled, it's like half past 1am in the morning..

19th Sept 2007 (Wed)

Ryan's new toy came.. Got it from Rent-That-Toy

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Something from Mae...


You are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding
Humorous, fun, secure and true
Always there... yes that's you.

Special, accepting, exciting and wise
Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes
Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright
Yes that's you... not one bit of spite.

You're one of a kind, different from others
Generous, charming, but not one that smothers
Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game
But not just another... in the long chain.

Appreciative, warm and precious like gold
Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old
You'll always be there, I know that is true
I'll always be here... always for you.

- Written and owned by Angela Lee Hillsley -

Thank you Mae for our kids' memorandum and your dedication to us...

19th Sept 2007

Been some time since i last blog. Guess should do some updates since Ryan's discharge from KKH on the 25th Aug.

Was on leave on the 7 Sept as i had to bring Ryan to KKH for check up for his wound. Reached KKH early around 10am but our appt is like 11am.. Met my mum as at KKH too as we were meeting our auntie for lunch after Ryan's appt.

Didnt wait long for our Q and doc said that the biopsy report turn out to be the BCG jab that causes the lymnode to swell.. but she also asked if i wanted to send the lymnode for further test to be double sure... So i gave the go ahead to have it sent in for further test.. Ryan weight 6.3kg and 61cm long as of 7 Sept 07.

9th Sept 07: Usual routines and Ryan is going to his maternal's grandparents place on sundays and sometimes on saturdays too.. ha...

I have started Ryan on semi-solid on 9 Sept 07... Heinz Pureen: Parsnip, Carrot and Sweet Potato..

He seem to like it alot.. and finished it all.. Can see his expressions...

Don't think this pureen is filling enough.. my mum said it's like a dessert for him... Ha... Anyway, will up my frequency for feeding him this pureen.

14th Sept 07: On leave again... brought Ryan out to meet mum for lunch at AMK. Mum brought along a colleague. Ryan was sleeping soundly in my kangaroo pouch.. but woke up almost immediately when i finished my chwee kueh... Haa.. Bid goodbye to my mum and i took a cab home as it was almost feeding time for Ryan and the weather seem bad again... So home sweet home.
Evening brought Ryan to healthway for his 2nd 5-1 jab. He weight 6.5kg and 63cm long... When the needle pricks in, he made some noise.. but stopped.. so less than 10sec... ha.. good boy right.. His next jab appt will be on the 19 Oct... he will be taking his 3rd 5-1 jab and Hep B together. After that we tabao dinner and went home..

Some pics that i have taken for Ryan recently..

Wednesday, September 5, 2007