Wednesday, September 19, 2007

19th Sept 2007

Been some time since i last blog. Guess should do some updates since Ryan's discharge from KKH on the 25th Aug.

Was on leave on the 7 Sept as i had to bring Ryan to KKH for check up for his wound. Reached KKH early around 10am but our appt is like 11am.. Met my mum as at KKH too as we were meeting our auntie for lunch after Ryan's appt.

Didnt wait long for our Q and doc said that the biopsy report turn out to be the BCG jab that causes the lymnode to swell.. but she also asked if i wanted to send the lymnode for further test to be double sure... So i gave the go ahead to have it sent in for further test.. Ryan weight 6.3kg and 61cm long as of 7 Sept 07.

9th Sept 07: Usual routines and Ryan is going to his maternal's grandparents place on sundays and sometimes on saturdays too.. ha...

I have started Ryan on semi-solid on 9 Sept 07... Heinz Pureen: Parsnip, Carrot and Sweet Potato..

He seem to like it alot.. and finished it all.. Can see his expressions...

Don't think this pureen is filling enough.. my mum said it's like a dessert for him... Ha... Anyway, will up my frequency for feeding him this pureen.

14th Sept 07: On leave again... brought Ryan out to meet mum for lunch at AMK. Mum brought along a colleague. Ryan was sleeping soundly in my kangaroo pouch.. but woke up almost immediately when i finished my chwee kueh... Haa.. Bid goodbye to my mum and i took a cab home as it was almost feeding time for Ryan and the weather seem bad again... So home sweet home.
Evening brought Ryan to healthway for his 2nd 5-1 jab. He weight 6.5kg and 63cm long... When the needle pricks in, he made some noise.. but stopped.. so less than 10sec... ha.. good boy right.. His next jab appt will be on the 19 Oct... he will be taking his 3rd 5-1 jab and Hep B together. After that we tabao dinner and went home..

Some pics that i have taken for Ryan recently..

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