Tuesday, March 27, 2007

27 Mar 2007

Last post dated 16th Mar..
Decided to do something about it today.
Been so busy lately and THE DAY is drawing nearer and nearer.

Been buying quite alot of stuff for Baby Kuik and myself.. haha..
Just an update since i had visited the gynae on the 19th. Position of Baby Kuik still in breech position. Gynae adviced likely have to go for C-sec unless he turns.
So on the 20th, Daddy and myself went to seek dates from wise ones as we have to inform the missy by thursday (22 Mar 07). Given a few dates and Daddy choosen 30/03/07. The next appt with gynae will be on the 29 Mar, last chance to see Baby Kuik's progress. If he turns, we will wait for him to come naturally.. if he doesnt't.. means he will greet the world on the 30/03/07.

Friday, March 16, 2007

16 Mar 2007

New to this blogging stuff..
Did thought of starting a blog for baby... but i am lazy.. haha..
So here i am creating this.. I call this Milestones for Baby Kuik... havent really decide a name for him yet.. so shall call him Baby Kuik first.. Why Kuik?? Cos it's his surname.. haa...