Woke up early at 7am as my "alarm clock" flip over and keep looking at me while i am still in my lala land.. SO, had to wake up and entertain him cos he is such a stunt man now!!!!
Our part time maid was here to clean up the house.. so brought him down to watch tv and eat breakfast.. but he is so kaypo keep watching her doing the chores.
Around 10plus, Ryan shit so had to shower him...and made him nap too... Since HC is off today, we intend to bring him out for a walk. Made him nap, while HC go for his haircut. He nap about 2hrs then woke up for lunch and just nice, HC come back. So after preparation, we set off.. to J8.. with intention to buy a pouch, and some shirts... Mission accomplished... HC got his pouch, and shirts and we also bought a family tees from Op.. Then walk around... eat and before we left.. we bought a Yami yoghurt and eat on our way home. Ryan sleep on our way back and in fact still sleeping now..
Enjoying this moments... and attended Ayden's 1st birthday party yday at his home..
Lastly, Happy 1st Birthday, Ayden... You are ONE!